
For many women, the stress and anxiety attached to dealing with to conceive can be overwhelming. Reflexology works in a subtle way, on a physical and emotional level and is especially beneficial for those experiencing fertility issues.
Fertility reflexology helps you to DE-STRESS, by allowing you to achieve a state of deep relaxation during a reflexology session, by switching off those thoughts about getting pregnant. In addition to being an amazingly relaxing and nurturing experience, it can assist with boosting your fertility and balancing other reproductive health conditions. It targets specific reflex points which correspond with various systems, organs and endocrine glands that are involved with reproduction and conception.
​I believe, and strongly recommend an integrative approach, where I use Fertility Reflexology to work the physical body by using specific reflexology routines for each week of the cycle or each step of the IVF process. These will stimulate the reproductive system and bring the endocrine system, responsible for the hormones, back in to balance. It will also bring a lovely sense of relaxation to those that are going through quite a difficult and stressful time of their lives.

Reflexology for infertility
If you are trying to conceive naturally, fertility reflexology can help to regulate your menstrual cycle.
Stimulate ovulation by working the reflexes associated with the reproductive system.
Balance hormones by working the endocrine system.
Remove toxins by working on the liver and small intestine reflexes.
Holistically support you if you are going through IVF or Donor Insemination.
Assist with painful periods- Dysmenorrhoea.
Relieve the symptoms of Endometriosis and Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome.
Give you a well- deserved break from the worry and the stress of infertility – which then provides an ideal environment for conception to occur
How many reflexology sessions will I need? Reflexology and IVF – Assisted Reproduction – Donor Insemination
Reflexology works in conjunction with your Assisted Reproduction Treatment Cycle. A recommended
treatment plan / protocol will be discussed at your appointment as each client is unique.
4 weekly sessions initially
2 treatments between menstruation and just prior to ovulation in the lead up to insemination for Donor Insemination clients.
Relaxation reflexology during artificial hormone stimulation
In the week leading up to egg retrieval after egg retrieval and just prior to embryo transfer.
Relaxation sessions after embryo transfer and during the 2 week wait period if you feel comfortable with the idea.