Ear Candling &
Facial Reflexology
Ear candling, also known as ear coning, is a type of natural therapy that helps improve a person's general health and wellbeing by using a specially made hollow candle.
Although it's primarily done to remove excess earwax and improve hearing, candling can also stimulate the peripheral blood circulation and immune system.

How does Ear Candling work?
The practitioner lights one end of the hollow candle and places the other end in the ear canal of the person as they lie on their side. This process creates a vacuum in the ear which draws old wax out, as well as residues of past infection and fungus. During this process, the burning candle's wax does not drip into the ear, face or hair as a cover is used to prevent hot wax from
What Are the Benefits of Ear Candling?
Earwax build up in the ear canal can cause partial hearing loss, smelly ear discharge, itchy ears or, worse, pain inside the ear. Ear candling can help address these problems and many other conditions, including the following:
Swimmer's ear
Excessive earwax build up
Sinus irritation
Chronic ear infections
Airplane ear
Fungal problems
Clogged ears
What can you expect from Ear Candling?
Ear candling helps people restore the natural ability of their ears to remove excess wax. Yes, you read it right. Our ears have a self-cleaning mechanism that weakens over time due to excessive poking with cotton buds or scraping with an ear spoon.
During a candling session, the client lies on their side on a treatment table while the practitioner fits the tapered end of a narrow candle into their ear canal without going too deep. Before inserting the candle into the client's ear, the practitioner puts it through a tiny hole in a disposable foil plate, or a small piece of cardboard, to prevent the hot wax from dripping onto the client. Once one end of the candle is secured in the client's ear, the other end is lit and left to burn for approximately 10 to 15 minutes.